Sunday, January 21, 2007

This is the Korda Victory, built from a kit from The span is 32". I substituted Esaki tissue for the domestic tissue included in the kit. I also switched the propeller to a Peck-Polmyers prop. I also tried a Czech P-30 prop, which worked well. I am flying this on two loops of 3/16" rubber. I had to shim up the leading edge of the wing, and add some downthrust, and a little tail weight to trim it. I also replaced the plastic wheels in the kit (heavy) with balsa wheels.

The performance is amazing: this model flies the way you dreamed your models would fly when you are a kid. In the small fields near my home, I can only hand wind this with a few hundred turns. Any more, and I would lose the model. I will be adding a pop-up wing dethermalizer (Ed Schlosser, Best-By-Test style). Next summer, I will be taking this up to the Brooklyn Skyscraper's field in Wawayanda, NY, where I can really wind up and let it fly.

This is the Genesis covered. The model was covered in white Silkspan (the lightest weight), and finsihed with Nitrate dope. There were two coats of clear, and three coats of clear tinted with transparent red dye. This dye is sold as stain for electric guitars, and worked well with dope. It is available from www.

 Baby Biplane The plans for this were featured in Flying Models magazine a few years ago. It was originally designed for the K&B Infant ...